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32.9 C
Σάββατο, 27 Ιουλίου, 2024

32.9 C
Σάββατο, 27 Ιουλίου, 2024

News in brief

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News in brief

News in brief

News in brief

News in brief

News in brief

News in brief


Direct flights from Britain and Sweden to Greece will not be allowed until July 15, Greek authorities said on Monday, adding that they would use EU guidelines to determine which countries were considered at high risk of spreading the novel coronavirus.

The final list of third countries allowed in EU soil will be announced later in the day.

The Ministerial Council convenes at 11 am, chaired by the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, to discuss a series of draft laws and the national framework of action for the year 2020-2021.

The government submitted a bill to Parliament on Monday that aims to restrict outdoor public gatherings, protest rallies and demonstrations in order to avoid the traffic congestion which to date has frequently brought the city center to a standstill.
The bill stipulates that organizers will have to promptly notify police or port authorities about planned gatherings. It provides for restrictions regarding the amount of road space occupied and the location of the demo. It also allows authorities to ban demonstrations under certain conditions, and sees criminal penalties for violators.

State hospital employees have planned a rally outside the Ministry of Labor today. They are also holding a 4 hour work stoppage until noon.

A new joint ministerial decision raises the number of passengers allowed in private cars, taxis and tourist vans as of Monday, in a further relaxation of coronavirus-related measures.
The new measures will be in effect until July 12, when they will be reviewed again.
Private cars with a 7-person capacity may carry 3 passengers besides the driver and 5 passengers if larger.
Taxis and professional car services with a 7-person capacity are allowed to carry 3 In professional cars, both driver and passengers must wear a mask, and both driver and passengers violating the rule will be fined 150 euros each.

China has passed a controversial security law giving it new powers over Hong Kong, deepening fears for the city’s freedoms.
The move came after angry protests last year – sparked by another law – which became a pro-democracy movement.
Critics say this new law poses an even greater threat to Hong Kong’s identity.

And the weather forecast…
Sunny and hot in Attica today with the temperature expected to reach a maximum of 36 degrees Celsius.


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